неделя, 25 ноември 2012 г.

Nature of female orgasm

Renowned Danish medical sexologist beat Hertoft strongly approve:

"The ability to experience orgasm is mainly determined by the properties of the individual, rather than a sexual technique."

Female orgasm ... No man on earth, whether male or female, who would pass up this topic without emotions. Limited number of lucky "Holder" of orgasms head up and tell you how to easily and quickly reach climax. All others who have not experienced this time, avoid talking on the subject, saying that besides sex life has more important things: kids, work, house. According to statistics, 90% of men say that almost every time their partner an orgasm. Actually samo40-50% of women experience vaginal orgasm with a partner, while 80 to 90% reach clitoral orgasm through masturbation. Where is the hidden truth?
Nature orgasm

Female orgasm ... It has been studied by hundreds of scientists, but so far no general consensus. Why is it so hard to define what "vaginal orgasm"? What should I do or not to do woman to receive it regularly?

What man would not want to hear from his wife: honey, stop, I can not ... more to ... go!

Let's look back in history. Years ago, the standards of society, the ability for a woman to experience orgasm and show their emotions in bed was something extraordinary and wrong. Only women from lower social level or favorites, courtesans, etc. could not afford to have an orgasm and to show their emotions. According statistikatata in 1920 women earned orgasms three times more often than women in 1950 and 10 times more often than women today.

Today, the woman MUST have an orgasm. And the word has led men to try to challenge him and the woman, in turn, tries to get ... This leads to some artificial game, everyone tries not so much for his own pleasure, but to prove to your partner that with me it's okay. Men more so proving that they are good in bed. And it proved to him that mega-sexual. Finally pumping voltage and when its voltage is much more difficult to get an orgasm. Therefore, it sometimes fails to get it (after all that stress is natural) and simulate orgasm. The man is quite rare clear is it done or not, so at the end hesitantly asks her: you do it? She quickly meets "yes". Men also enjoy a rapid turn reach climax. And everyone plays happy. She does not want to tell him that simulate he does not really understand it reached the top, or just pretending.

What are the consequences when a woman does not end?

Physiological consequences. Pain in the lower abdomen and sometimes the waist. The main reason is that the blood spilled into the muscles of the pelvis, but not getting out. This forms a stagnation of blood. Men receive such conditions that manifest as pain in the testicles if they were very excited and they are not done. If this is repeated regularly - then the female formed myoma, hardly flowing premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovaries, uterine bleeding. Such women are more easily prone to catching various infections and other problems associated with female physiology.

Emotional consequences. The main cause of neurosis is hidden in a woman's dissatisfaction. Other possible conditions are depression, bad moods, headaches and irritability.

Social consequences. Women who do not get orgasms often have partners or even if there is a relationship built on mutual manipulation or cheating husband regularly. Also the productivity of working women greatly reduces unmet.

Psychological consequences. A woman who does not get orgasms feel inferior and almost always have problems with self-confidence.

Why female orgasm is one of the major pleasures of life. And each of us could feel it, as long as it wants.

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